Vanuatu Women's Centre

Phone: (678) 25764 | 24 Hours Toll-Freeline:161


What Services does VWC Provide


the VWC provides centre-based counselling as well as mobile counselling. Counsellors listen to you then help you to find solutions to your problems. All women and children are welcome to come to the centre for counselling. You can also phone or write to the VWC about your concerns. Everything is kept confidential between the counsellor and you.

Mobile Counselling 

The VWC has a mobile counsellor who travels to villages and settlements to assist women who are having problems of violence but are unable to travel to vila to the VWC. The Mobile counsellor will provide counselling for problems of violence but are unable to travel to vila to the VWC. The mobile counsellor will provide counselling for problems of domestic violence, rape, incest, child abuse, family or child maintenance and other legal problems. This counselling is also free and completely confidential.

Community Awareness 

The VWC provides information to the community at large on the issue of violence against women and children. This is carried out through community workshops, public awareness talks, and our fortnightly radio programs. VWC also produces T-shirts, Stickers, Posters, Calendars, and other materials that promote awareness of women’s and children’s rights.


The VWC has assisted interested members of the community to set up their own local pressure groups, in addressing violence against women, in their areas and islands. There are now 39 committee, es.


The VWC works to empower women by making them aware of their legal rights, in particular their rights regarding marriage, divorce, custody, maintenance and domestic violence. The VWC also plays an important role lobbying for law reform that will further promote and protect women’s right and protect them from violence.

The VWC also promotes and disseminate information on the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), as well as lobbying for their implementation at national level.


The VWC operates a safe House or refuge where women and children can seek temporary shelter from violent situations. Women accommodated in the safe house are provided counselling. Due to funding limitations there are restrictions on how long a woman can stay in the safe house.

Special Day

International Women’s Day

Mother’s Day

Vanuatu Women’s Day

National Primary Preschool Day

Children’s Day

International peace Day

International rural women’s Day

International Day for Elimination against women

International Human Rights Defenders Day

Word Aids Day

International day for People with Disability

International Volunteers Day